
粒子径分布および粒子形状の解析装置 CAMSIZER S1



粒子径分布・粒子形状分析装置 CAMSIZER S1 Focusing on the Essentials

  • High-Quality Imaging: Equipped with a 12 Megapixel camera for detailed particle analysis
  • Broad Particle Size Range: Capable of analyzing particle sizes from 30 microns to 5 millimeters.
  • Fast Measurement: High-speed analysis with a large field of view, providing results in just 2-5 minutes.
  • High Sample Throughput: Achieve up to 30 measurements per hour thanks to quick operation and easy sample preparation.
  • Automated Measurements: Standardized measurement routines ensure consistent quality control.
  • Highest Resolution: Precise results with detailed images.
  • Ease of Use: Simple connectivity with just two USB ports is required; no dedicated PC or cumbersome hardware installation is needed.
  • Efficiency: Designed for standard requirements in the bulk solids laboratory without compromising on performance.
  • Over 25 Years of Expertise: Microtrac's legacy of competence and innovation in dynamic image analysis



CAMSIZER S1のカメラ校正は、レチクルにより数秒で行うことができます。レチクルには直径が厳密に規定された様々なサイズの円がリソグラフで印刷されており、この円を測定することで2台のカメラの最適化が実施されます。キャリブレーション後、その結果を印刷して保存します。




CAMSIZER S1は、サンプルの特性と必要な測定データに応じて、適切なサンプルフィーダとホッパーを選択できます。3D解析を行う際は、幅の狭いシステムで粒子追跡性能を高め、2D解析の場合は、幅の広いシステムで効率よく粒子画像を取得します。





Audit Trail Manager



CAMSIZER 3Dのソフトウェアは、オプションにて製薬業界で有効な監査証跡が可能となります。オペレータのアクセスレベルに応じた操作制限を行い、全ての操作履歴を記録します。また、測定結果には、品質保証のための電子署名が可能です。






  • 砂 そして sediments from coarse silt to fine gravel
  • 砂糖
  • 研磨剤 そして blasting media
  • seed, coated and uncoated


  • ガラスビーズ
  • 食材
  • Expandable Polystyrene
  • 高吸水性樹脂


  • 肥料
  • 医薬品ペレット / granulates


Perfect Repeatability Sand Samples

Sand is one of the most important standard applications for dynamic image analysis. With a nominal size of 63 μm to 2000 μm, sand is exactly within the measuring range of the CAMSIZER S1. Both broad distributions and closely sieved fractions can be easily analyzed with the CAMSIZER S1 within a very short time, whereby the results are compatible with those of sieve analysis. Our measurement examples show 5 repeat measurements of a broadly distributed sand sample including the expected range of sieving results for this product.

Perfect Repeatability

Fast Measurement and High Sample Throughput Fertilizers

Fertilizers are one of the main applications for Dynamic Image Analysis. The biggest advantage is the fast measurement and high sample throughput, which means that fluctuations in product quality can be detected early, and the process can be adjusted immediately. This reduces the production of rejects and offers real cost savings. A well-adjusted image analysis system provides the complete size and shape distribution of a fertilizer sample within two minutes.


Rapid Quality Control Aggregates (Crushed Rock)

The CAMSIZER S1 can be used for rapid quality control when analyzing aggregates. The device's ability to measure both broadly and narrowly distributed samples with excellent agreement to sieve analysis is impressive. The example shows two samples of crushed rock, one with a size range of 63 μm to 4 mm and one with a narrow grain size range from 710 μm to 1.25 mm.

Fast Characterization 砂糖

Depending on further use, different sugar size distributions must be produced, e.g. for beverages, baking mixes, confectionery, or household sugar. The CAMSIZER S1 is suitable for the rapid characterization of sugar, which is particularly advantageous during the beet harvest, when a lot of material is produced, as the time-consuming sieve analysis is no longer necessary.

The measurement example shows five measurements of a common sugar sample and the corresponding sieve analysis. Of course, all other free-flowing bulk materials, such as salts, can be measured just as well with the CAMSIZER S1.

High Resolution Size Measurement

操作性の良いインターフェース DIMENSIONS Software for CAMSIZER S1


  • 直感的な操作性
  • 操作性の良いワークスペース
  • User-defined report templates
  • Comparison of measurement results at a glance
  • Newly designed “Particle Viewer” workspace
  • Consistent measurement conditions through SOPs
  • Automatic testing of product specifications
  • Different user levels
  • ラボラトリー情報管理システム(LIMS)対応
  • 21 CFR part 11 対応
測定原理デジタル画像解析 (ISO 13322-2)
測定範囲30 µm to 5 mm (recommended 50 µm to 4.5 mm)
粉砕条件2D particle analysis with basic size and shape definitions
カメラ12.5 Megapixels
測定時間approx. 2 to 5 min (depends on required measurement statistics)
ソフトウェアMicrotrac DIMENSIONS
外形寸法850 × 650 × 350 mm
重量約 40 kg