
If Brunauer,
and Teller
Could Choose...

Microtrac MRB, part of Verder Scientific, is a manufacturer of analytical instruments to characterize particles from under 1 nanometer to over 10 centimeters. MicrotracBEL is our gas adsorption product line that includes BET surface area and pore-size distribution analyzers, catalyst analyzers, a wide range of gas and vapor adsorption systems, mercury porosimeters, gas pycnometers, and other custom designs.

BEL products are well-known worldwide for their reliability and built-quality, providing unsurpassed performance in gas adsorption. We have been empowering science in academic research and enhancing productivity in the industry for decades, and hereby announce that the MicrotracBEL product line is now officially established in North America to serve you.

Your Benefits

Microtrac BEL: unsurpassed performance in adsorption and porosity measurement. BEL instrumentation is carefully designed for ease of use, robustness, high reproducibility, and optimal work flow in research and QA applications. Our innovative designs combined with high-quality components and construction ensure high sensitivity, accuracy, and precision.

  • Reliable and accurate pressure monitoring: multiple dedicated transducers for each sample port
  • Rapid measurement with optimized gas dosing (GDO) based on known adsorption isotherms
  • Patented advanced free-space measurement (AFSM) correction for high reproducibility
  • Automated component-level system diagnostics to monitor instrument status
  • Compact footprint
  • User-friendly software
  • Dedicated applications & service support

Interested? Contact us for free sample evaluations, instrument demonstration or for a quotation!

Your Present

To celebrate the introduction of our sorption product line in Northern America, we offer a Microtrac MRB shirt to everyone. Please use the button below to order yours right away!

The software has given the highest priority to simplify the operation and has been equipped with many functions to increase the labor productivity. Since the BELSORP instruments offer many features and possibilites, it gets more and more important to simplify the use. Our software will guide you step-by-step for the implementation of several procedures e.g. execution of measurements, replacement of gas cylinder, purging of the manifold and degassing of liquid adsorptive.

Want to know more? Click on the image to take a look at our BELSORP Series brochure showcasing Microtrac MRB's extensive gas adsorption portfolio, of which we will gladly send you a high-quality print version. Or watch the BELSORP MAX II product video to get a glimpse at its various capabilities.
Discover the many different areas in which Microtrac's gas adsorption analyzers are used in detail by checking out our numerous application notes. In addition, we offer a comprehensive insight into the used methodologies, which you can access through our Knowledge Base.